• BioSmart Technologies, LLC BBB Business Review
  • I live in Alaska and heating costs here are out of sight. It was common for me to spend $350 per month in fuel oil, plus a hundred in extra electricity—$450 per month in the winter. Then, a little over a year ago, I’d give the infrared heaters a try. Imagine my amazement when these two small units completely and comfortably heat my house for less than $200 per month in the winter? They are so easy to clean and maintain, I really can’t believe it–the “end of the furnace as we know it” has a… Read more
    Anna Von Reitz - ALASKA
  • ACO2-for-wall-heaters
  • 1500fta-front
  • BIO-1500 OWA front

ACO2 Board for BioSmart Heaters
