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Safety Certifications

TUVus vs. UL – The Facts

You want to certify your products to meet the North American safety standards. You ask around for a qualified and accredited test lab. They tell you about UL. You ask why UL? They say that it is required by OSHA. Is this true?


The answer is No. OSHA requires certification by an NRTL (Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory); and UL is only one of fifteen NRTL’s. TUV Rheinland of North America is a significant alternative to UL that can offer high quality work faster, more efficiently and at more cost effective price. The TUV Rheinland Group prides itself as being a leader in customer service and orientation. In The UK and Ireland this service can be provided by TUV Rheinland UK.



At the start of its workplace safety and health program, the US government, through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), granted a monopoly to Underwriters Laboratories (UL). In 1989, the US program was changed to a competitive model, and the role of NRTL was created. The change came largely in response to pressure from US industry groups whose members had experience selling products in the European Union. Because of Europe’s competitive regulatory market, in the early ‘80s, it was possible for US manufacturers to introduce their products to the European Market twice as fast as they could introduce them to the US-Market.



Products listed by TUV Rheinland for the US market are identified by the TUVus mark. When the Canadian and US certifications are combined as cTUVus, clients are able to demonstrate compliance to US and Canadian markets.

For the consumer, the manufacturer, the equipment owner and the AHJ-Inspector, the cTUVus indicates that the equipment has been exposed to rigorous testing and evaluation and is found to comply with relevant standards. In other words, the equipment is found to be safe as per definition of the relevant standard.

Using cTUVus listed equipment means reduced danger of accidents, reduced hazards for the users, reduced liability for the owners and manufacturers and a generally safer world.


This information was reprinted courtesy of TUV Rheinland UK Ltd.

Certificate for BioSmart portable heaters.
Certificate for BioSmart On-Wall heaters.