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Home / Blog / Why Use a BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater

Why Use a BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater

What Is Far Infrared Heat & How does it work?

Far infrared heat, by virtue of its longer wave length, is able to penetrate solid objects faster than conventional radiant heat. The advantages of far infrared heat have been utilized for years as a therapeutic treatment for cardiovascular and general circulation problems. BioSmart heaters use a patented heat chamber with copper lining to reflect shorter infrared waves back into the air flow path. As the shorter waves pass by successive heating elements the wavelengths are increased making them more easily absorbable. Most heaters claiming to produce far-infrared waves are actually producing significant amounts of light and short to medium range wavelengths. The BioSmart heat chamber converts those shorter wavelengths into longer wavelengths.

Beware of imitators

Because of this increased efficiency, there have been more than 9 Chinese manufacturers exporting heaters into the U.S. utilizing our patented technology and claiming it as their own. BioSmart has taken aggressive actions against and will continue to aggressively go after all those who continue to export heaters with heaters that infringe our own technology.

Comfort Levels & Therapeutic Benefits of Using Far Infrared Heat with BioSmart® Air Filtration

The comfort levels achieved when using far infrared heat are superior to those of radiant heating systems that produce much shorter wave patterns. Far infrared heat warms the body faster so more energy is absorbed into the body. On the other hand, the energy being absorbed from conventional radiant heating sources is far less so most of the energy escapes through the walls, windows, floor, and ceilings without being captured within the room. That is why room temperatures of 68°F using far infrared feel like 72°F. With far uinfrared, you can set the thermostat back 4-5 degrees and experience the same comfort levels utilizing less energy to keep you warm and cozy.

BioSmart® far infrared heating systems are the ultimate in green technology engineering – exceptionally economical & extremely quiet, they produce comfortable, healthy, therapeutic far infrared heat. BioSmart® far infrared heating systems also sterilize the air that is processed through them making them a sanitary source of heat for those suffering from respiratory conditions. The BioSmart® Air Filtration system in a BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater represents 22 years of technology developments starting in 1987 when the company began engineering commercial air filtrations systems for residential applications and the commercial hotel industry. The first patents for the system were filed in 1987 with multiple patents to follow representing the latest in air filtration technology.

Your BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater contains 5 air filtration mechanisms to insure the purest cleanest air available from a BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater. No other heater on the market can claim the advantages of the patented system contained in your BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater. The problems everyone faces in the winter from colds and germs not to mention the proliferation and cross-contamination of air-born contaminates in the school room and the office environment are eliminated when using a BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater.


Components in the BioSmart® portable heaters are designed to last 3 times longer than in conventional portable heaters. BioSmart® warranty coverage and service procedures are simple to follow and they can be serviced usually in 10 minutes or less, should repair be required.

Stylish & Functional

BioSmart® infrared heaters are stylish and functional with a modern but stylish contemporary design making them an attractive addition to any room. There are several different colors to choose from to match the décor of your home or office

Patented Proprietary Technology

BioSmart® Far Infrared Heaters contain a host of patented and patent pending innovations found only in BioSmart® Far Infrared Heaters. Among the patented features of the BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater are the BioSmart® Air Filtration system, the new heat exchanger, the new contact mechanism for the high efficiency infrared tubes and the design parameters and functions of the cabinet and the control panel itself.

More than 19 patents have been filed world-wide on innovations and improvements that have been incorporated into the BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater with BioSmart® Air Filtration. There are no imitations or substitutes in the market place with the technology or the features offered in the BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater. It’s the technology that makes the BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater a truly unique energy efficient and super clean heat source for your home or office.

Quality Assurance

BioSmart® Far Infrared Heating systems come with C-TUV-US certifications representing equivalent approvals both in UL and CSA classifications. BioSmart® Far Infrared Heaters are manufactured in Taiwan and China under a certified ISO 9000 manufacturer.

Future Improvements and Innovations

Every year BioSmart introduces new and improved technology into its heaters. We are a U.S. based company. We are currently in negotiations to bring some of our manufacturing to the U.S. on some models while remaining competitive and affordable.

Problems with HVAC systems

With the intent of economizing and saving on building costs, most contractors will combine the heat & air conditioning ducts into one distribution system. This makes the cross-contamination issue through the air conditioning ducts a potential health problem, especially for those with respiratory sensitivities and allergies, including asthma. When using a BioSmart® portable heating source, you eliminate the cross-contamination through the duct work to distribute the heat through the various rooms of a home or office. Eliminating the ductwork also eliminates the bacteria, dust, pollen, and mold that accumulates in a conventional air conditioning and heat duct system.

Energy Saving Benefits

Far infrared heat waves are transferred more quickly throughout the room due to their shorter wave length. The results are impressive because it requires less energy to heat the room evenly with far infrared heat than with radiant heating sources. This makes far infrared heat the most cost-efficient solution for a supplemental heating source or for heating your whole home.

If you really want to save on energy costs, the cost of heating with BioSmart® far infrared heat is going to be spectacular. Usually a 30% savings over conventional heat sources is achieved, even with other electrically generated heating systems. As much as 50% savings is achieved if replacing heating oil or other fossil fuel heating systems.

Quiet Operation

BioSmart® Far Infrared Heaters with BioSmart® Air Filtration technology have two heat settings corresponding to two different fan speeds. The low speed setting (below 28 dB) is virtually silent and can be operated in the bedroom without distraction. BioSmart® Far Infrared Heaters are quieter than forced air systems and they do not have the typical cracking and popping sounds heard when heating with baseboard heaters. The BioSmart® Far Infrared Heater has a specially designed laminar flow fan rated at 38 dB on high, compared to the typical 48 to 56 dB for other comparable portable heaters.

Accurate Temperature Regulation

BioSmart® portable heaters utilize state of the art electronics and internal electronic thermostats for pin-point one degree accuracy. That means more accurate control of comfort level settings and a warm comfortable environment for you and your family.