All of us volunteer at Halfway Home Pet Rescue want to express sincere appreciate for your kind and generous gift of a heater for our stray cat intake center. We had heard so much good about your heater and really wanted one, but simply did not have any money. Your gift of a heater has saved many cat lives this past winter as well as making our volunteers more comfortable in their work. We sincerely thank you and bless you in the name of the cats we serve in Caribou and its surrounding communities. It you notice, Caribou, Maine is located right at the top of Maine and is often mentioned on the national weather channel as the coldest spot in the U. S. Your gift was greatly needed and greatly appreciated. Wow, it is a terrific little bundle of energy and totally safe and easy on the electric bill.
Parts & Service: | Click here |
Heater sales: | 1-866-446-0500 |
InWall Sales: | 1-800-595-9605 |