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115 High Limit Switch

Compatible models: 1000, 1200, and 1500 watt BioSmart In-Wall heaters.


120 volt UV Balast

Compadible models: BIO-1500PA
UV Ballast - 6"


140 High Limit Switch

140o High-Limit Switch - upgrade


2012 Terminal Block

Terminal Block with jumper/bridge (2 or 3)


3 Key Board for BioSmart Heaters

Compadible models: All 3 Key BioSmart Heaters"Power-up-Down" version


6 Key Remote Control

Compadible models: ComfortZone and CZI (all)Remote Control


6 Key Remote Control

Remote Control for 6 Key heaters


7 Key Remote Control

Remote Control for 7 Key heaters (Bio-1500PA, Bio-1500PCP).


ACO1 Board for BioSmart Heaters

Compatible models: All BioSmart portable heaters prior to 2011 with 7 key control panels including PA with UV rocker switch on the back.Includes thermostat sensor.


ACO1 Transformer

Compadible models: 2011 BIO-1500PA with ACO1 boards.
PC Board transformer - ACO1 board


ACO2 Board for BioSmart Heaters

Compatible models: All BioSmart 7 key PA, On-Wall, and In-Wall units after 2011.


ACO6 Board for BioSmart Heaters

Compatible models: All BioSmart 6 key heaters.Includes thermostat wire. Requires conversion kit on models with older boards with external transformer.


AO4 and AO5 Transformer

Compadible models: ComfortZone and CZI with DC FansAO4 PC Board transformer


AO4 Control Board

Compadible models: ComfortZone and CZI with DC Fans


AO5 Control Board

Compadible models: ComfortZone and CZI with Scroll Fans


AO5 Transformer

Compadible models: ComfortZone and CZI with Scroll FansAO5 PC Board Transformer

Out of stock

AO6 Board for ComfortZone Heaters

Includes thermostat wire.

Out of stock

Back Cover for ComfortZone 1500P

Compatible models: ComfortZone 1500 watt heaters with plastic cabinets.


Bio-1000F Front Cover

Front cover for the BioSmart 1000F In-Wall heater.


Bio-500F Front Cover

Front cover for the BioSmart 500F In-Wall heater.


Board To High Limit Switch Wire

Compatible models: All BioSmart portable heaters.


Calibration Remote

Compatible models: ComfortZone and CZI heaters with AO4 or AO5 boards.Calibration remote to calibrate AO4 and AO5 boards.


Calibration Remote

Remote Calibration for 2011 1500 PC


Carbon and Electrostatic Filter

Compadible models: All BioSmart
Filter - Charcoal VOC upgrade


Caster Wheel

Compadible models: ComfortZone and CZI. (all)
Bottom Casters


Caster Wheel

Compadible models: All BioSmart Portable HeatersBottom Casters


Ceramic Element-500 watt, 110 volt Curved

Compadible models: BIO-500F, BIO-1000F
500 Watt - 120V Ceramic plate


Ceramic Element-500 watt, 220 volt Curved

Compadible models: BIO-500F, BIO-1000F
500 Watt - 220V Ceramic plate


Ceramic Element-750 watt, 110 volt Curved

Compadible models: BIO-1500FTA, BIO-1500 OWA
750 Watt - 120V Ceramic plate


Ceramic Element-750 watt, 220 volt Curved

Compadible models: BIO-1500FTA, BIO-1500 OWA750 Watt - 220V Ceramic plate

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ComfortZone 1000 Cabinet parts

Compatible models: Various ComfortZone 1000 watt portable heaters.This is just the cover, not the heater itself.


ComfortZone 107 High Limit

Compatible models: ComfortZone and CZI with Scroll Fans or DC fans.R107 High limit fan switch.


ComfortZone R40 Fan Switch

Compatible models: ComfortZone portable heaters with Scroll Fan or DC fans (pick appropriate version).


DC Fan for 1000 watt In-Wall Heaters

DC fan compatible with all 1000 Watt In-wall heaters.


DC Fan for ComfortZone Portable Heaters

DC fan compatible with all ComfortZone heaters equipped with DC fans.


Electrostatic Filter

Compadible models: All BioSmart
Filter - Standard


Electrostatic Filter for ComfortZone Heaters

Compatible models: ComfortZone portable heaters.Filter - Standard


Fan Guard Baffle

Compadible models: 2012 BIO-1500PA, PB, and PC
Scroll Fan baffle – Upgrade on some models


Gasket for140 High Limit Switch

Gasket for high-limit switch


High Limit to Terminal Block Wire

Compatible models: CZI and BioSmart portable heaters.


Honeywell Pro 1000 Digital Thermostat

Honeywell digital thermostat for the BioSmart 1000 watt or 500 watt In-wall heaters.


Honeywell Pro Programmable Thermostat

Honeywell programmable thermostat for the BioSmart 1000 watt or 500 watt In-wall heaters.


IR Element Socket

Compadible models: ComfortZone and CZI (all)Ceramic tube receptor


IR Element Socket

Compatible model: BioSmart Portable Heaters.Ceramic tube receptor w/stainless steel clips



Compadible models: BIO-1000FPC Board for 1000 Watt 120/220V in-wall unit



Compadible models: BIO-500F
PC Board for 500 Watt 120/220V in-wall unit


PO1 Transformer

Compadible models: 2011 BIO-1500PA with PO1 boards.
PC Board transformer - PO1 board


Power Cord

Compadible models: 1500 watt ComfortZone and CZI1500 Watt Power Cord


Power Cord

Compadible models: 1000 watt ComfortZone and CZI
1000 Watt Power Cord (16 gauge)


Quarts IR Bulb

Compatible models: All BioSmart portable heaters.1500 Watt quartz heating elements.

From: $19.95

Quarts IR Element (MK25)

Compatible models: 1000 watt ComfortZone and CZI1000 Watt quartz heating elements

From: $19.95

Quarts IR Element (MK37)

Compatible models: 1500 watt ComfortZone and CZI1500 Watt quartz heating elements.

From: $19.95
Out of stock

Quarts IR Element (MK37) – Reconditioned

Compatible models: 1500 watt ComfortZone and CZI1500 Watt quartz heating elements.

From: $12.95

R43 Fan Switch

Compatible models: All BioSmart portable heaters.


R43 Fan Switch for In-Wall Heaters

Compatible models: All BioSmart In-Wall heaters.


R77 High Limit Switch

Compatible models: BioSmart 500F In-Wall heaters.



Compadible models: All BioSmart Wall Heaters
Relay - Solid state - all models


Scroll Fan for BioSmart In-Wall/On-Wall Heaters

Compatible with all BioSmart In-Wall and On-Wall heaters. Make sure you specify the correct voltage!


Scroll Fan for BioSmart Portable Heaters

Compatible with all BioSmart Portable Heaters.Includes new silicon mounting grommets.


Scroll Fan for ComfortZone Portable Heaters

Scroll fan compatible with all ComfortZone heaters equipped with scroll fans.


Step-down Transformer

Compadible models: 2011 BIO-1500PA with 1300 RPM motor.
Step-Down transformer for Scroll fan


Temperature Sensor Guard

Compadible models: All BioSmart Portable HeatersTemp Sensor cover


UV Bulb

Compatible models: BIO-1500PA, Bio-1500FTA, Bio-1500 OWA. For both 120 and 220 volt units.UV Bulb - 6"
